Dan Fauchier

Dan Fauchier, CMF®, CVF®, LCI-CPC-SME is a Certified Master Facilitator® and Certified Virtual Facilitator® specializing in Lean Development, Design and Construction, with 50 years experience. He is co-author of a classic book by David Umstot and Dan Fauchier, Lean Project Delivery: Building Championship Project Teams, available on Amazon.com. With Thais Alves, PhD, SDSU, Dan co-authored peer-reviewed IGLC academic papers “Last Planner® System: Gateway to Lean Behaviors” and with Alves and David Umstot, “Metrics of Public Owner Success in Lean Design, Construction, and Facilities Operations and Maintenance”.

For Construction Accelerator® (www.constructionaccelerator.com) – an internationally marketed Lean Learning Management System – Dan advises and script-edits for the 151  3-9 minute lean training videos in Course packages and by Subscription.

For Live Facilitation arm of Construction Accelerator® (https://constructionaccelerator.com/livefacilitation) Dan mentors facilitators who provide direct services to design and construction organizations and major projects (US$10 million to US$2 Billion) to develop high performance, high trust teams using Lean principles and practices and Team Alignment Partneringä throughout North America and the Middle East.