Dan Fauchier
The ReAlignment Group of California
Dan Fauchier, CMF®, CVF® is a Certified Master Facilitator® and Certified Virtual Facilitator® specializing in Lean Development, Design and Construction, with 42 years experience. He is co-author of a recent book by David Umstot and Dan Fauchier, Lean Project Delivery: Building Championship Project Teams, available on With Thais Alves, PhD, SDSU, Dan co-authored peer-reviewed IGLC academic papers “Last Planner® System: Gateway to Lean Behaviors” and with Alves and David Umstot, “Metrics of Public Owner Success in Lean Design, Construction, and Facilities Operations and Maintenance”.
For Construction Accelerator® ( – an internationally marketed Lean Learning Management System – Dan advises and script-edits 3-9 minute lean training videos in Course packages and by Subscription.
For The ReAlignment Group of California, Dan mentors facilitators who provide direct services to design and construction organizations and major projects to develop high performance, high trust teams using Lean principles and practices and Lean Alignment PartneringÔ throughout the Western US.