Looking for a professional facilitator? If you are searching for a professional facilitator, check out our list in Find a Facilitator, and you can also download our guide to writing a Request for Proposal so you can find a qualified and certified facilitator for your organization.
Why is Hiring an INIFAC Certified Facilitator® the Right Decision?
Save Money and Time
Studies have shown that organizations waste over $8,000 per day on poorly executed and inefficient meetings. A professional facilitator can immediately improve your bottom line!
Build Engagement and Teamwork
A professional facilitator brings a skill set to the table that will build teamwork, improve communication and increase engagement.
INIFAC certified facilitators have proven and demonstrable skills in their chosen facilitation style, whether that be process facilitation, education facilitation, or virtual facilitation.
A Certified Facilitator has been certified as having facilitated specific client sessions.
Client Feedback
A Certified Facilitator has been certified as receiving strong, positive feedback from their clients.
Peer Review
A Certified Facilitator has passed a rigorous performance review by the most exacting group available – other certified facilitators!